The Important Value of Finding Quietude, a Time to Reflect and Renew

Spring is finally here in full force, my favorite season! It has been an incredible blessing over the winter months, to spend a lot of quiet meditative time. I enjoyed the time to reflect and renew. I'm reminded of the summer months of vacation from school in Australia as a kid, having the opportunity and time to do nothing. In the heat, there was a slowness, a stillness, a time to dream, a time to reflect, a time for play. One of my favorite things to do was to read in the back of our car in the carport, it was the shadiest and coolest place around. We didn’t have air-conditioning and I would read and nap, think, daydream, and reflect on what I was reading. That has got to be one of my favorite things to do even now, well not in the back of a car in a carport, just the reading, napping, and daydreaming part. Mostly though I don’t give myself that pleasure, that joy enough.
Something wonderful happened this winter as I was in the apartment with beautiful views and sun bursting through the windows. I felt called to spend unbusy time here, to slow down, to go inside. Anything ready to heal bubbled up to my consciousness. I was willing and open to receiving some unconditional love from God and to let go of some traumatic memories from the past.
Our Life Has a Purpose
Our life is a journey and it has a trajectory and a purpose. It consists of defining moments in various stages that work together for our good when we have love and trust in God. We will always be on that pathway of seeking love, acceptance, forgiveness, purpose, and connection. Just like nature which is quiet in winter, resting, renewing, and working underneath in the roots and the sap as it prepares for Spring, we need to do the same, to slow down, reflect, and renew.
Many people are running away from themselves. Recently I was reminded of Rumi’s beautiful quote: “The wound is where the light enters”. If the wound is where the light enters wouldn’t we seek the light? The problem is, we have to experience the wound, sometimes opening up a scab that underneath is still not completely healed. We have to heal that which is probably very uncomfortable and which can be frightening. We need to look at the negative judgments about ourselves that we hold and not run away from them. It is very difficult to do that on our own, we need to have caring and effective support. We have to find a place where it is safe to heal and let them go.
It is important to feel Safe and not Judged
I encourage you to search and find the ways that help you to heal past wounds, neutralize trauma, and feel safe to let go. It is important to feel safe and not judged when healing and letting go. Within this process, you gain self-awareness and confidence to move toward your true destiny.
I have always sought meaning in life, the meaning of why I am here and I continue to experience miracles, insights, and guidance about that. What I love about the great I AM is that nothing is random. My experience is that there is so much more than this life. Our life journey can be challenging, sometimes I have gone off the path on a detour but I was always brought back to the path. It has been worth it, my pilgrim journey of discovering more of who I am in the light of God.
This winter’s journey of realization, healing, and learning, could not have been possible without the supernatural help, love, and support from above. Knowing that I am not alone, even though I had felt alone in the past, I experienced that there was always the loving presence of a higher power watching over me and helping me. Nor would it have been possible without the incredible earth angels I have had in colleagues, mentors, teachers, and expert coaches. Don't get me wrong here, God is no sugar daddy and wants us to step up to the plate. This Higher Power doesn't always make things easy, but because God believes in us. He leaves us alone sometimes to test us and to help us gain strength of character and mettle.
I honor you always, your courage to heal and to step forward into your destiny, you are my inspiration.
With love,
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