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How to Live a Free and Purposeful Life by Letting Go of What Holds You Back

Recently I spent time with my eldest daughter, her husband, and in-laws. We had a wonderful time at the beach. When I think of her, I feel a...

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10 EFT Mistakes You Should Be Aware of to Get the Best Results

EFT is an invaluable technique to calm the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn response in the body.  If you are tapping on your own at home,...

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How to Release Limiting Beliefs with Matrix Reimprinting using EFT

One of the ways I have been able to transform any limiting beliefs into positive and affirming ones is through Matrix Reimprinting using EFT....

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The Meaning of Joy & 3 Ways to Feel More Joy

I experimented recently, where I took all the issues that my clients had over the years and wanted help with. The highest-rated issue was that they...

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