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I marvel at the enormous positive effect Gail has had on my life.

The work we did together made a tremendous difference. I went to her specifically to understand and release a life-long avoidance of financial success. After just a few short months, my attitude towards accepting money had completely changed – I can finally comfortably let it in. I restructured my business model, totally rebranded, and got out of my own way. I now enjoy greatly increased new and steady client streams – all at a much higher level. It feels like a miracle. Thank you, Gail!


I now have a close connection to your logo/symbol. 

You lift people and allow them to release and fly. You are a guide, an angel with wisdom, and you provide incredible tools to move forward. I am humbled and grateful for all that you have done for me, and I feel blessed for our sessions.
T. Devereux

While many counselors and life coaches offer guidance through words of support and encouragement, Gail Mae does this and so much more.

Her sessions have given me simple yet powerful tools to heal old wounds and release old patterns that have stood in the way of reaching my goals. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for that missing link that separates effort and intention from real achievement.”

Lisa H.

As a practitioner, Gail is professional, caring, compassionate, and effective.

I have had the opportunity to do three sessions with Gail. I released some very deep emotions, that I didn’t know were even there, through the Matrix Reimprinting technique. This resulted in me creating a new job where I was able to increase my salary by 20%, while only working 3 days/week, so I could focus on building my business. I don’t really understand how Matrix Reimprinting works, but I do know it is effective and has provided me with a lot more inner peace and power in my life."

Alison LeBrun – Embodiment Coach

Life was about just being in a rut and not knowing why it was.

Just trying to be positive with myself, with work, with relationships, was more frustrating than just being negative alone. I wanted to get over the blocks with my career as an actress. Despite past successes, the pattern of self doubt and negative programs were just way too strong to break through. After working with Gail Mae, so many things, I thought were impossible were actually possible. In just 3 sessions of tapping with Gail, I was able to sign a contract with a new agent, book a role in a movie AND book a national commercial! Not only were these visible breakthroughs but the actual want to continue to improve myself knowing I could achieve more is the best thing I discovered from tapping and working with Gail Mae. Thank you Gail!”

L.N – Actress

I loved my job for a long time, until the company expanded and I became over-loaded and over-worked… … I tried to tell my boss that there was an issue, but he didn’t want to hear what I had to say.

About this time I had a session with Gail Mae, I focused on a moment in my past that has strong, clear, negative emotions attached. With tapping, my negative emotions and beliefs were transformed to feeling more empowered and no longer a victim.

After the session, my boss’ lack of communication was no longer affecting me emotionally. I could see the issue clearly and I tried to correct it in writing and in person. I gave my boss a 5 page proposal describing a new job position that would better benefit him and his company, but he ignored it all. Then I knew that this job was no longer for me and I quit.

I already have another better job lined up! How we respond to others is so closely linked to our past experiences, especially those when we were young. This work is important and a way of dealing with negative emotional imprints in a wonderful, and true manner.”

A. Kaden

The relief I felt from the very first session was profound.

I had been suffering from anxiety and panic and since working with Gail these issues are well under control. Gail is intuitive and caring. The sessions were well structured and I learned very practical techniques that I can use between sessions. I highly recommend!

Paul A NYC

I started working with Gail Mae because I was stuck.

I was procrastinating creative projects to breaking point and I was starting to miss out on opportunities. Within a few weeks of the workshop I was feeling calmer, more motivated and confident than I had in years. Weeks earlier I had delayed writing a sentence because I couldn’t find the right pen, now I was writing, painting, openly brainstorming ideas and asking for help where I needed it. I feel as if my stuck self is behind me and I see potential I never have before. Gail Mae, you are magnificent. Thank you for all the support and love that you’ve invested in me. I trust you so completely and I know that’s the effect you have on people.”

Emma Gordon – Actor, Writer, Voice Over and Multi Media Artist

I am so grateful to have found Gail. I am someone dealing with being molested between the ages of 4-5.

It was the friendly next-door neighbor, my parent’s doctor. How’s that for a kicker?! Ha! I have done a lot of deep emotional work and peeled that onion so many times, but those roots go deep. I knew I wanted tapping, something less emotional, something practical that I could use in those moments my old roots would try to bloom. Gail and her arsenal of practices really took me on a journey. She helped me to release so much of all the old stuff. Plus giving me the tools so that now when something pops up I have a practice deeply ingrained that lets me get on the other side and get back to living in the now.


After having tried many self-help techniques over the years, I was finally introduced to Gail, and it was the best introduction that has ever happened to me.

Working with Gail was essential to guide me through the maze of negativity, fear and grief that I have successfully suppressed over so many years. The amount of change I experienced within me in about a month of working with Gail was incredible. As a very private person, she provided an environment for me that allowed me to address issues, which I always considered my deepest secrets that I did not share with anyone. Before I started working with Gail I felt like an insecure, invisible 19 year old kid that got sent out into a scary world fighting to survive, and I returned home a grown-up, self-confident, strong 43 year old man with a strong presence. Thank you Gail for everything you have done for me so far, and thank you for providing me with an environment and tools to continuously face issues I did not dare to face even a short time ago.”


Working with Gail Mae as an EFT therapist has been incredibly helpful.

In our sessions, I feel calm, safe, and supported. I feel listened to, understood, and valued. I am a classical singer, and when I started working with Gail Mae, I was terrified of auditions. After working with Gail, I now look forward to and enjoy working with them.

She has patiently and skillfully helped me build self-confidence and appreciate, value, and love myself. Gail provides a safe environment, so I am able to express my thoughts and emotions freely. With her, I feel guided away from my fearful thoughts and memories into a place of love and acceptance. I would highly recommend Gail as an EFT specialist to anyone.

Rachel Labovitch – Opera Singer

Words cannot begin to express my immense gratitude for your time and support.

You are truly an extraordinary woman and I am forever grateful to have met you and have this life changing experience. I slept remarkably well last night and feel so light and joyful inside it’s as if I’m full of rays of sunshine. I will continue to honor my feelings and listen to my body.

Shelley Divall | Owner – Solutions Plus Business & Accounting Specialists

I just wanted to say thanks so much for today’s session. I really think you are brilliant.

I just wanted to say thanks so much for today’s session. I really think you are brilliant. I have so much respect and admiration for you. Even when I am being a client (this client is an EFT Practitioner) I can’t help but watch the way you run a session and be impressed. :)

I realize this is not an easy issue that I’m dealing with at the moment. I think this year is all about that, the eruption of shit that has to come up and out, that truly no longer serves and must be purged for good. So I do know that I’m being drawn here for my own healing and I really liked the way you wove that in. You are always so non-judgmental. When you threw in that line about there are some people you can be safe with I wanted to say “I’m safe with Gail” and that is magical to me. I really promotes healing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. That is a priceless gift to give to anyone.”.

Kelly Roughton – AAMET Level II – EFT Practitioner

After one session with a client with overwhelming performance nerves which affected the quality of her voice and her being present in her performances:

The gig was AWESOME!!! I had a truly wonderful time. There were nerves but they were so mild by comparison and I started having fun from the very first song. So grateful to you.
- Lynda Collins

Gail Mae is an extraordinary healer. I have worked with her for over a year for EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and during that time I have seen incredible gains in my health and also in my faith and peace of mind.

My physical health has been a challenge and when I first started seeing Gail I could barely walk or dress myself. I am now walking steadily and my strength is improved and I have hope in my heart. Each session leaves me feeling lighter, more joyful, even radiant. I have been so heavy and anxious and begin to feel joy again is an indescribable blessing. I am grateful to Gail for helping me heal and I trust her completely. She is an exceptional and expert teacher and healer and she has been a blessing and a gift in my life.”

A. Edwards

Gail Mae has been such a positively wonderful experience and will continue to be for me. She creates a nurturing, safe and loving environment to allow the benefits of her expertise in EFT to flow through you.

The matrix re-imprinting process is one I highly recommend. Through this process Gail has allowed me to face and re-program many issues I’ve unsuccessfully attempted to confront in the past. She guides you with the utmost care and sincerity all the while feeling safe to have the courage to fully experience the re-imprinting process. I look forward to each session with her and my experiences have always benefited me in ways I am so grateful for. Thank you Gail!!”

M. P.

Had some great breakthroughs today at the audition!!

I even tapped in front of people on the collarbone and didn’t care about looking stupid. I just felt different and I did my tapping script before I left the house. Even when the casting director stopped me because she didn’t like my choice of using an accent, it didn’t affect me like it normally would. I was able to stay calm and just re-focused. Huge breakthrough for me!!! Normally, after a cd stopping me like that I would absolutely punish and numb myself. I have to say, I didn’t this time in fact I wanted to celebrate it instead!!! Soo Yaaay! Thanks soooo much Gail Mae for all your support it really means a lot to me!!”

L. H.

Simply, working with Gail changed my life.

The shift in thinking and moving thru the day dramatic. Had been stuck for a long time. Self doubt, fear, resentment the norm. Gail’s mix of tapping, EFT, IFS, Reimprinting, talk (sounds daunting . . . process a smooth, safe surrender) released much that was old and made room for the new (how bout some acceptance, forgiveness, hope . . . Wonderful). Do not hesitate. You will be amazed by Gail’s graceful presence, the powerful dance of her practice, and the result. Truly a gift - the changer and the change.

S. M.

You are a very special person. I don’t know anyone else who could have taken all that I was sobbing at them and, with such clarity, grace and warmth, give me so much perspective and healing energy in a little over an hour.

I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to you….thank you! More than anything, I feel that a weight has been lifted in that I am not so lost or alone really and I can’t believe I got this gift from you so quickly. EFT is pretty powerful stuff when in the hands of such a skilled and gifted listener, practitioner, etc. I also know that I still have grieving and work to do around the emotional healing I need which I now know (without a doubt) is at the root of my physical symptoms.

Gail Mae, I remain deeply grateful and in high regard of you.”

Judy G.G – Recruiter

Working with Gail Mae is incredible. Her positivity, generosity, clarity and care is evident from the first moment.

She has helped me grow my potential as an actor, artistically and career-wise. She has helped me move past blocks and mental obstacles. As a person she has helped me overcome limiting beliefs and beautifully expand my idea of what I can do.”

David Ross – Actor

You are so wonderful at what you do! Great loving work you did!

I really appreciate you taking that extra step with me it made such a difference. I understand now myself and my struggles to accept success. With what I have learned about grief, I am thinking about starting to speak on the topic of thriving after tragedy. I think I have finally started to make a breakthrough on the issue of receiving so my first start is asking for help and being willing to receive it. You are as always most helpful! Appreciate you so much!”

Jodi Lovitt - Life Coach

I always had a trust issue, so in starting on this journey, I was careful, but it took me a few minutes to realize I didn’t have to fear anything.

Gail is such a trustworthy person. Gail is a deep support for me as I was very lost in so many aspects of my life. Professionally, emotionally, and in a lot of physical pain. I thought I would never come out of it. Working with Gail with the many tools she uses has helped me tremendously. Gail’s support, understanding, listening carefully to my needs, her kindness and gentleness is such a blessing. Sometimes you don’t even have to tell her, she knows how you feel, amazing. I will just simply say thank you Gail!”


“I have been dealing with paralyzing muscle spasms for years and even worse the constant fear of unexpectedly getting them.

I tried most of the available modalities over 6 years. At the end of 2016 I did the seven-week Grief Recovery program with Gail Mae. And we also had sessions where she used EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.

I haven’t had a pain episode in 7 months since, and the fear has dramatically diminished. I believe the unique way the program deals with hidden emotions has been instrumental in my recovery.”

Tina B.

Gail Mae is a warm and compassionate practitioner whose spirit shines through her sessions.

She is understanding and patient which makes the emotional release process a lot less daunting. She creates a nurturing and safe environment. EFT and Matrix Reimprinting work – highly recommended!”

Melissa Peretz – BodhiFitness Solutions

My sessions with Gail Mae Ferguson have invariably helped me clarify the issue I’ve brought to the table, helping me immensely with various challenges, now at several different times in my life in the past five years

Each regarding a different area of expertise, including trauma, family issues and performance improvement or ‘success’ coaching. I would highly recommend her to anyone who has something they would like to resolve or improve. Sensitive, calm and caring!”

Bonnie Sheldon – Spirituality Fountain

I have experienced tremendous breakthroughs at a deep level through my Destiny Coaching sessions with Gail.

She has skillfully navigated our sessions with well-timed questions, insightful guidance, encouraging feedback and readiness to work through the various issues that arise.

Her adept communication, thoughtful counsel and pleasant manner have facilitated much discovery and growth in me. In my process of defining what my dreams are and where I want to go, Gail has also offered valuable tools and resources. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking to live more freely, purposefully and wholeheartedly.”

Natalie Wilson – Dance Artist

Having had experiences with EFT before and feeling intrigued by the possibilities of Matrix Reimprinting, I booked five sessions with Gail Mae.

To be honest there was some apprehension in me before the first session, whether the process would come to me easily. Gail Mae took this fear away from me immediately and I just felt comfortable during all the sessions.

She has been guiding me through the process with ease and confidence – there was really no moment of hesitation. I feel grateful for the loving and deep experiences I had, the improvement in my relationships with my family and for the new light filled images that are still nourishing my memory. I still see them – it is wonderful!”

Annette Hoermann – Visual Artist, Garden Photographer, Sacred Gardens

I was in a slump, total depression, you know the type when you cannot function in the real world.

My depression, health, mind, and body were failing me. I was going to a therapist for over five years, and honestly, this was the 7th therapist in over 20 years. So you could understand, I was feeling very helpless at this point. Then a few months ago, I heard about Gail Mae, from a new friend of mine.

Prior to this point, I felt that I had to try something totally different; I have spent so much money in therapy and it wasn’t helping. My therapist wanted me to go on medication; which I kept refusing. I decided to call Gail and made an appointment.

I found Gail Mae to be empathetic, intuitive, and extremely open to what I was going through in my life. Her compassion was what I needed. She taught me how to relax and how to bring myself back to a relaxed state when a situation starts to make me anxious and upset.

Reading about what Gail Mae doesn't really doesn’t do her justice; you have to experience the reimprinting to appreciate the technique. For someone such as myself, who has found it difficult to focus, Gail helped me with that too.

It didn’t take years to feel better, focused, happier, or stronger. It was quicker than any therapy I had been through. Gail’s amazing style, passion for what she believes in, and her determination to bring you peace within yourself was worth every dollar. I found Gail Mae to be honest, competent, and her prices were reasonable. I owe her my life.

Debra Santulli-Barone

“Gail Mae, thank you so much for the wonderful session you did today!!! You have such a gentle and accepting presence … I loved working with you!!! I have to journal on the experience…it was powerful!”

Brenda Strauss – Psychologist, EFT Practitioner, Hypnotherapist

Working with Gail has been a very pleasant experience for me.

She was very open and informative from my first phone call consult when I inquired about Matrix Reimprinting sessions. After each session I felt a huge emotional release. I feel subtly changed for the better and I feel a lot more content about the issues that I came to work with her on. EFT is really a magical thing and doing the reimprinting sessions was a great way for me to learn how to continue to do EFT for myself and keep working to eliminate negative beliefs. Gail is always pleasant, kind, and encouraging. She genuinely wants to improve the lives of her clients and I definitely was appreciative of her throughout this process.”

Erica McClanahan

Thank you Soo very much for our last session. I felt really peaceful after that – somehow putting those few specific memories at peace over those two sessions seems to have kind of washed into others also.

It is all very well to know in one’s head that really love was the only real thing ever present – but another to feel that viscerally. By feeling past the biting regret or pain that sticks during an experience to the greater perspective of love that one’s present self can more clearly see, a trust grows that this could be true for other occasions also. Being able to forgive myself and say what was needed to be said was so important for my healing, letting go and moving on. After we talked I just sat quietly for -well I don’t know how long, – just feeling very simply peaceful.

Anna Procter – Actress / Writer

Gail Mae is a compassionate and intuitive healer. I never thought anyone would understand me, but she got to the heart of the matter of all my issues quickly and non-judgmentally.

I could have never unearthed those blocks by myself and she helped me release them. Of course I still go through life with all the momentary stresses and hassles, but knowing Gail Mae is around, and the fact that she so generously gave me the tools and encouragement to be self-sufficient, I feel like I can move forward with confidence. She is an angel! I really am so grateful to the work she does and am so thankful I got the chance to work with her.”

Mie Omori

“Gail Mae is a compassionate and intelligent practitioner, who is sensitive and exceedingly gentle in her approach to Matrix work.

She is masterful at tracking emotions and is thoughtful and respectful in her practice. I would trust to recommend her to anyone who is interested in exploring and releasing obstacles of the past and/or wishes greater insight to be brought to problems they may be facing. Blessings,”

Rev. Marjorie Lipari – Spiritual Counselor

The last few months with you, Gail have really overhauled some major limiting beliefs that were holding me back.

The shift I felt was euphoric and I am so optimistic for the future. I trust in God and the plans he has for me. I can honestly say I am not the same person I was before working with you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You saved me from myself!! Thank you Gail!” ❤

M.H. – Project Manager

“Gail Mae is a wise, compassionate and insightful guide on the path to healing. My work with her has been transformative. She is an exceptional and knowledgeable professional”

Alison Edwards, VP for US based Philanthropic Foundation

Gail Mae is an amazingly giving and patient practitioner.

She is always perceptive and caring, which allows me to feel safe and comfortable when I work with her. She is knowledgeable and strives to get the best results when she works with me. She is constantly learning in order to be the best she can be. She has not only been helpful in me moving forward and getting unstuck in my life, but she is also an inspiration by showing how one can succeed in life with the techniques she offers.”

James Archer Davis – Global Talent Development

Gail Mae is a very gentle, warm and professional practitioner.

What I’ve learned is that she will provide you with more than EFT/Matrix Reimprinting. She will go the extra mile and support you all the way even after sessions with good advice, encouragement and other tools that will complement your work with her. So far I can say that this technique has helped me in getting unstuck, working on clearing the negative blocks while reinforcing the change. I highly recommend the technique and above all, I recommend Gail as a guide."

Maria Jose’ Gentile

I have been having sessions with Gail Mae for a few months now, and each session gets better and better.

Gail Mae is a very sensitive and thoughtful listener, and she makes sure that she incorporates my exact words in the tapping statements, which makes it even more effective for me. She is also wonderful in her use of Matrix Reimprinting, facilitating the process for me in a very skillful and intuitive way. I have progressed so much in my healing thanks to Gail’s support, and I admire and trust her even more, knowing that she has overcome many personal trials and done much inner work on her own. I would highly recommend Gail’s services to anyone I know, Thanks for being a wonderful gift to the world Gail Mae!”

Lena Chen – Holistic Therapist, Certified EFT Practitioner, Author of “Emotional Freedom At Your Fingertips”, Creator of EFT Affirmation Card

Thank you for truly opening my eyes to the even better, that I will find when I am free to really be me.


Thank you Gail,

it was wonderful to finally be in your presence. You are so gifted and always find the right words. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.


I, too, enjoyed the group!

It was really wonderful to be able to open up, to see members open up about issues that were so deeply affecting them, and to be able to utilize EFT together; We participated not only in our own healing but also in one another's. Gail provided a welcoming, compassionate atmosphere for us all. And her guidance felt both professional and intuitive!  Thank you!


Had some great breakthroughs today at the audition!!

I just felt different and I did my tapping script also before I left the house. Even when the casting director stopped me because she didn't like my choice of using an accent, it didn't affect me like it normally would. I was able to stay calm and just re-focused. Normally, after a cd stopping me like that I would absolutely punish and numb myself. I have to say, I didn't this time in fact I wanted to celebrate it instead!!! Soo Yaaay! 


I am more tolerable of things now.

My in laws used to drive me bonkers but now I'm calm and at ease with them. I never used to get this angry about people not being straight with me, I'm so sensitive.  In the past I didn't want to hear their feedback but now I want it... so I can move forward. I feel that way about my solo show. I'm less worried about what others think as long as I do it.


I discovered tapping myself from Youtube and decided to tap alone...It would work sometimes.

I started tapping a year ago, and did for about a month (alone with Youtube)..and fell back to my old habits and just decided tapping wasn't working for me (despite seeing little victories here and there). Things got very bad for me, and during that time (a year after giving up on the tapping), I found a meet-up for EFT. (tapping with a group). That's how I met Gail Mae, she was running the Meetup.

During that one session working with her, I already felt a difference, just being guided by her.  From there, I decided to do a private session, discovering and facing a lot of hard truths. Too much  time passed before going back to Gail Mae, and I lost myself again.  Luckily, I reached out to her a month later, and again, more layers were revealed, but they were easier to face. I could finally see tangible results just in the choices I made for myself.  A few months went by, and again, I could feel myself getting weak. It was time to make a commitment and I realized that tapping with Gail Mae's guidance was what kept me on track.

There were things she suggested that I thought were absolutely impossible, like leaving my manager of 10 years, but somehow I did and it was the best thing anyone ever suggested.  My fears with auditioning, have become so manageable that I'm gaining my confidence back and since then I've booked some great work with my new agents! Gail Mae has guided me back to actually loving what I do again, instead of it feeling like a curse.

I'm currently doing her Breakthrough Program and as an artist and a person, it's the most enlightening experience for me.  It's a very progressive way to work through our feelings, but from the results Gail has guided me towards, I completely see that it works. However, it's only through a commitment to being consistent did I start seeing results.

I've just come a long way, because of my commitment to myself and Gail Mae's guidance.



When I reached out to Gail, I was extremely desperate and hopeless.

When I reached out to Gail, I was extremely desperate and hopeless. I had been going for counseling over the course of 4 years- sometimes monthly sessions or weekly sessions a few months in a row. I had received a lot of healing but there was an underlying anxiety and depression that kept coming back and when in came back in full throttle the beginning of 2021, it completely stumped, and incapacitated me.

My last crash was the hardest landing, and it sucked the life out of me. I lost all energy to function and my desire for the future was non-existent. I struggled with a lot of pain, guilt, shame, anger, disappointment and my heart felt like it was at the end of it’s rope. 

It was hard to believe that I could be free from the depression and anxiety as I had been struggling with this for about 30 years. 

At my first meeting with Gail, I was immediately blown away by how empathetic she was. She could relate to all my feelings/thoughts and expressed how she too had struggled with them but is now free even though she once felt as discouraged as I did.

It was almost like she had x-ray vision and saw the wounds of my heart and answered the questions that I had before I even asked them.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would be a good fit. She brought so much comfort to my pain and we hadn’t even had a session yet. 

My defense mechanism is to go numb and dissociate whenever I feel insecure or unsafe. Even though I was struggling, my defenses were high, and during my first session, my walls would come up and I would feel nothing.

She then employed the EFT method of tapping. The beauty of this technique is, even though I felt stuck and unable to access my emotions, I didn’t need to have the ability to break down my walls, I could just focus on lightly tapping on my pressure points.

It surprised me how much I opened up without having to bulldoze my way into feeling the emotions. I even started crying which surprised me because I was so blocked and felt nothing a  few minutes before that.

I believe that beyond skills and abilities, the most important thing that a therapist needs to do is provide a safe and open environment. 

Gail creates a compassionate space so I feel safe to share my most embarrassing thoughts or feelings. I never feel judged, and quite the opposite, feel encouraged and empowered in my sharing. 

The journey of seeking emotional, mental and spiritual wholeness is a messy, rocky, and often times tumultuous ride. However, Gail’s gentleness and tenderness has helped ease the bumps and has even made it fun.

I never thought that dealing with deep pain and hurt could reach a point of curiosity and fun, but with Gail’s light and playful nature, we never cease to have a laugh in the midst of the turmoil.

Her encouragement is weighty as she is implementing techniques that have worked on her when nothing else was helping. Knowing how far she has come, gave me the encouragement that I too can receive the healing and wholeness that she now walks in.

There were times where I felt like nothing was changing but I’ve done 14 sessions so far and my anxiety and depression has reduced dramatically. I feel more whole and secure in who I am and am less critical about my flaws.

To have someone like Gail championing me in gentleness and grace, has been part of my healing journey too. To know that she cares so deeply about my emotional freedom is not only encouraging but healing to my heart.

I’m learning to embrace my weaknesses and strengths and have a lot of hope in my journey of more wholeness and freedom. Facing my emotions is no longer a scary formidable giant but a fun journey that I get to explore in a safe space.

Jeane Reveendran


In a word, Gail Mae is exceptional.

I have invested in CBT based therapy on more than one occasion over the years but it doesn’t compare to the benefits I received while working with Gail.

During our very first session I delved deeper and opened more than I had in months of conventional talk-therapy.

Gail has trained extensively in many modalities eventually developing a personal approach that’s both powerful and unique.

I must also mention her compassion, generosity and intuition which permeates every level of her work. So rare to find someone who offers such a safe place to explore your vulnerability, your “stuff” - a place to rework, reframe, reinvent...without judgement ~ only acceptance and love - highly recommend.



Gail Mae is an amazing woman I’m honored to know.

Her compassion, intuition and commitment to healing makes her a wonderful Matrix and EFT practitioner. She creates a safe, caring and comfortable atmosphere in her sessions which is reassuring and empowering. I recommend her for anyone looking to change their life.”

Colleen Gorman, Certified Matrix Practitioner – LMSW

I was looking for an EFT-Group in Manhattan and there I found Gail Mae. What a blessing! I was so impressed with her spot on intuition and her compassionate and understanding personality.

One of her modalities is Matrix Reimprinting and it works wonders. I quickly got rid of deep past issues in a very gentle way. Shortly after that miracles happened. I won the first prize in a raffle and a free trip and seminar. I never won anything like that before, because I felt undeserving and without luck. Now I know there are many more miracles coming my way.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Gail Mae. It is wonderful to know you.

- Caroline Christl Long


“I liked the way you had me change history so that it is a story of hope and help instead of gloom and loneliness. Matrix Work is strong stuff.”

Chris Nunan

Woke up this morning feeling open, happy, peaceful, empowered…and Little Randy is still smiling.

Just wanted to say thanks for all your help.”

Randy Beranek – Attorney

Gail has a unique and gentle healing gift with a powerful punch.

My work with her released much that held me back for many years. Healing childhood trauma and family legacies gave me insight that led to action. I have been able to stop smoking after addressing those past hurts and disappointments that kept me trapped in self-pity and self-hatred. Quite amazing, really. I have been in recovery for many years and have seen numerous counselors but remained stuck in some critical areas due to those unaddressed childhood neglects and rigors. Her approach has poetry and purpose that is always moving, like a dance of breath, feel, identify, accept, reimagine, and repeat. All framed by her powerful belief in love and God and others. She has struggled and overcome much in her life; her experience, strength, and hope drive the hope and change within me. I highly recommend her and believe anyone who seeks to change can with her help and guidance."

Mary E. Mulcahy

Gail Mae Ferguson has changed my life.

I have worked with Gail Mae twice before, and each time I have felt dramatic changes. The first time was when my mother, whom I was beyond close to and living with, was not doing well. I was terrified of losing her and didn't think I could survive the loss. She not only, with such gentleness and kindness helped me through this but also helped me thrive after her passing. I am now at another crossroads in my life, dealing with stage fright I've carried throughout my long and successful career. I have gone to regular therapists, counselors, etc and Gail Mae is the only person I will ever consider going to for a permanent change with this issue. There is no doubt in my mind that through our work together I will no longer have this problem, and I will be able to open myself up to even greater experiences, in and out of my field. I'll have room within myself without this anxiety. I must add that she not only has the best, most specific, and personalized tapping scripts but she also does the deep work of getting to the root cause of the problem, usually from childhood where the permanent change begins. I have always returned to Gail Mae when I am going through anything that I feel nothing else has helped... Now I go to her first!! I am forever grateful to her and the work she does with such care, generosity, and empathy. She is always continuing to learn more and more about ways to help people."

J. G

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