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How to be in Touch with your Body, Mind and Emotions using EFT-Tapping

In the second week of The Letting Go Life 8-week coaching program, participants learn how to begin to understand the signals our bodies tell...

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Gain more Emotional Intelligence with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

While reading this article by Daniel Goleman, the author of “Emotional Intelligence,” I couldn’t help but agree that...

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How to Release Limiting Beliefs with Matrix Reimprinting using EFT

One of the ways I have been able to transform any limiting beliefs into positive and affirming ones is through Matrix Reimprinting using EFT....

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How to Change Beliefs and Let Go of Trauma Passed on Through the Generations with EFT

It seems simple to say, “If I could just change how I feel about myself then everything will fall into place and I will achieve my...

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The Meaning of Joy & 3 Ways to Feel More Joy

I experimented recently, where I took all the issues that my clients had over the years and wanted help with. The highest-rated issue was that they...

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