How to be in Touch with your Body, Mind and Emotions using EFT-Tapping

In the second week of The Letting Go Life 8-week coaching program, participants learn how to begin to understand the signals our bodies tell us.
Many people are disconnected from their bodies and not aware of their mind-body connection. EFT helps us to feel emotions that we have buried, denied, or rationalized away. When we tap (EFT), emotions can move and flow, becoming unstuck. We become more emotionally free as we release blocked emotions, unlocking the self-imposed cage we were in. Some have been afraid of the intensity of their emotions, so it was safer to stuff them down, keep them in check, and do anything rather than feel them. They can seem overwhelming. A good EFT practitioner will guide you safely and compassionately to allow feelings to flow without them being overwhelming. The result is more calmness, more positive energy, self-awareness, and self-acceptance.
Why do we get stuck in the first place?
From the time we are babies, we are taught ways to behave, and what is appropriate behavior and what's not. We are socialized. We might have been told "That's not nice", or that it's not okay to have your opinion, maybe told our grades were not high enough. We started to believe we were not smart enough, pretty enough, tough enough, and so on. We were not allowed to feel when we were told to "suck it up" or "don't let it get to you", and the list goes on. Perhaps we tried to be the good girl or the good boy and not cause waves. It was not okay to be vulnerable, fearful, needy, or angry. Maybe we had a sick sibling or one that seemed to take up all the space with none left over for you. For many of us, we have been stuffing our feelings down for years, just so we could survive and fit in.
Whether you've had small or big childhood trauma, it will cause dissociation because our body system instantly knows that the way to survive is to separate us from the trauma. Trauma can be parents fighting consistently, divorce, bullying siblings, etc. For a child, these experiences are a threat to their survival and they experience them as trauma. It is too overwhelming for a little child to comprehend or deal with. The body will go into a "freeze" response. And unless we release the trauma and the freeze, it stays in the body, trapped.
The beliefs we learned at the time are stuck with us, even when we know they are no longer true in our conscious mind. If it is not healed and released at the time, these traumas, little or big, build up in the body causing disease in one form or another. Either physically, emotionally, or mentally causing a compromised ability to enjoy life fully. Allowing yourself to feel, to be fully human is a good thing! It doesn't mean we need to act on all these feelings but it does mean we need to acknowledge them and listen to them as they are a way to discover the truth about ourselves.
When we get triggered into a strong emotional response in life and react with an emotion such as anger or fear, it is a red flag that a younger part needs attention. There is usually a valid reason that part is being triggered and needs attention and healing. When we heal, we then have the freedom to choose to let go of the old limiting beliefs that are attached to the trauma. We gain the freedom to live life more positively and fully.
To learn about what happens in the body during trauma, I've attached an insightful video from Robert Scaer, MD, a board-certified neurologist with forty years of clinical experience in trauma and memory.
If you want to feel this freedom in your body, less stuck, angry, or anxious, reach out to me, I love to help people get free and live their potential, click here Book a Call for a 20-minute complimentary no-obligation consultation.
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