Life Messages

A life message is an intrinsic part of who you are. It is obvious by how you live your life, what you do, and how you do it. Your life message is important because it is connected to your values, experiences, internal transformations, and relationship with your higher power. When you express yourself, being confident of who you are, others believe your message because it carries truth, authority (because you have lived it), and integrity.
What are your life’s messages?
To discover your life messages, take time to ponder and journal on the questions below.
- If you wanted to contribute to the world, what would that contribution be?
- What are the things you love to do and that give you joy?
Doing what you love and what brings you joy, gives you insight into your life messages because when you are living and doing what you were created to do, it automatically brings you joy.
Life messages are intertwined with your purpose. Together they are the places where you can bring hope and freedom to the world.
A Life Message can be a brief phrase that when you unpack the words, you find there are deeper meanings and a bigger message that you could speak about for hours. Hey, you've lived it!
One of my Life Messages is: “People are valuable beyond measure”. Much of my coaching is helping people to see their unique value. To do so we might have to heal traumatic memories where negative beliefs were learned. Beliefs such as "I'm not worthy, good enough, or lovable. There are many more core beliefs that people believe for their whole lives and are quite often unaware of because they are buried in their subconscious. During healing and letting go of the old limiting beliefs with EFT, positive beliefs are accepted as truth. It is a safe process that addresses the root cause of the belief by working in the subconscious.
What would you get on a Soapbox about?
One of the ways we can discover our life messages is to notice what we could get on a soapbox and talk about. I could get on a soapbox and talk about when people misuse their authority and rob others (often children) of feeling safe, respected, and valued. This is the basis for a child to develop self-confidence and a healthy identity and for adults to feel safe and taken care of in their everyday lives. We all deserve to know at the core of our being that we are worthy and deserving of love and respect. It makes sense that I have that particular life message, it came from my life experiences of rejection and not feeling valued when growing up. It’s taken me a lifetime of learning and healing to see my intrinsic value and I am committed to helping others to see theirs.
Here are more journaling questions to help you discover your life message or messages. Meditate on these questions and write down at least a few sentences or paragraphs of thought-out and detailed answers.
- What makes you angry?
- What do you see on the news or a movie that makes you shout at the TV?
- What do you find yourself unable to stop engaging in and giving your point of view on?
- What would you love to speak to your country's leader about if you had 15 minutes with him or her?
- What topics do friends and family come to you about? They send others to you also because you seem to know a lot about the topics.
- What do you disagree with strongly or clash with when others speak about it?
- What do you agree with strongly and want everyone to know about when you hear it?
After meditating and journaling on these questions, look for a theme. This is a clue to your life message or messages. There are reasons why we get angry about certain injustices and when we get clear about them there is a powerful message waiting to be shared with the world from you. If you can see a theme, write out a few brief statements that state the theme. See if the life message resonates with you as true. Work on it until you are happy with it. There may be more than one.
If you struggle with this and need help or guidance to discover your life message, I’d love to help you. You have a message for the world which is connected to your purpose. Once you discover yours, you will have more clarity about where you’re heading in life and the difference you’d like to make.
Reach out through my contact page or email me at [email protected]. You can also book a complimentary 20-minute strategy call when you click here.
This blog is inspired by the teaching of Tina Southgate from
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