
The Oxford English Dictionary's Definition of Integrity is:
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.
In the past, I took advice from others and forged ahead, which backfired, and I ended up out of integrity. I didn’t trust my gut or intuition; I often followed someone else’s advice as I believed they knew better than me. If I had counseled myself and gone within to weigh whether this advice was something I felt was the right way to go for me, I am sure I would have served myself better. If I had valued and trusted in myself and listened to my body when I felt uncomfortable, I would have been more in integrity.
This doesn’t mean that you cannot ask someone else’s opinion who has expertise in the field or someone whose wisdom you trust. However, why not turn inside first and reflect? After all, we are all tapped into the source, the I AM. If you are not used to turning to that small, still voice inside, find ways to increase your skill. It takes practice. You have your own unique path in life, so it is important to go within to find out what or where you can best serve and how to do that with integrity. Learning self-awareness and trust in yourself are two keys to being integrity (whole, entire, and undiminished).
In this journey, you may initially have little insight and may need to seek advice from others. Seek trustworthy people who fully support and encourage you to delve deep. Look for those who ask the right questions to help you make the best choices and decisions for your highest good. You can also ask God, or for some, listen to that small, still voice inside to guide you to the right mentors and the right books to read.
If it doesn’t feel right, trust that there is something wrong and that you need to think more before you take action. When you come from your heart lovingly toward yourself and others, it will be easier to stay in integrity. You will know it’s right in your gut.
While integrity is more of a quality than a skill, it can still be developed. To identify your strengths related to integrity, here are several examples of attributes related to integrity:
- Gracious - express gratitude and recognize the achievements of those you work or live with. Be sure to say “thank you” when someone does you a favor, helps you, or takes time out of their schedule for you.
- Respectful. People with integrity value other people and show them respect. Do your best to be on time for others, whether at work or with friends and family and consider people’s feelings. You can demonstrate this trait by being punctual, caring about your words, and carefully considering other’s ideas.
- Honesty. Integrity requires honesty. Strive to be truthful. Own up to mistakes and try to learn from them. Everybody makes them, and owning up to them keeps you humble, which is a good thing.
- Trustworthy. Follow through on your commitments, demonstrate trustworthiness, and avoid over-promising. If you’re unable to complete a task or meet a deadline, be sure to let others know as quickly as possible. If you are trusted with personal information, respect it.
- Hardworking. Those with integrity strive to produce their work on time, regardless of the task. They recognize that everything they do can impact those around them, their loved ones, their colleagues, and their business outcomes.
- Responsible. Be accountable for your actions. Make sure you deliver on your responsibilities.
- Helpful. When someone has integrity, they help those in need. This may be by lending your time for a project without being asked or offering to cover for someone in an emergency.
- Patient. A person with integrity can tolerate challenges, delays, and unexpected obstacles while maintaining a calm, even demeanor. They wait their turn to speak in meetings and one-on-one conversations.
Make sure you are not doing something out of fear.
It’s interesting how when I set an intention as I did with integrity, all the times I was not in integrity came up to my awareness. Self-awareness can be very uncomfortable. Was I able to tick off all those in the list above? I know I tried, but when I didn't, all those experiences my subconscious had hidden away, ignored, pushed down, and gone unconscious about simply because I couldn’t handle them on my own or felt too guilty about them. They came into my consciousness to be revealed; it was time. Whether that was to forgive me, forgive others, or ask for forgiveness, it was time for a cleanup. It was an opportunity, a blessing, even though it doesn’t always feel that way. I know it was worth it, as it will be for you!
I think of this internal growth work like going to exercise class. If we don’t exercise, our bodies break down; we are not as strong, healthy, youthful, and flexible. It's the same for your mind, emotions, and spirit. Keeping them healthy, flexible, open, and continually growing requires focus.
If you can relate, it is time to heal and gain self-awareness. Not growing emotionally, mentally, and spiritually may get in the way of sharing your brilliance, having great relationships, and feeling at peace. It will also get in the way of you manifesting all that you dream, as you will feel unworthy until you are again in integrity.
If you are looking to grow past being stuck in areas of your life and want to get free and live more of your purpose. I encourage you to reach out to me. Click on the link below if you would like to have a 20-minute complimentary consult with me:
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