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How to Let Go, Refresh & Renew by Spending Quality Time Alone

calm dreams emotional health goals happiness journaling joy! letting go listening nature peace simplicity slowing down solitude true to yourself your value
ME Time - The importance of REST

Spending quality time alone is essential. Alone with no outside distractions, no other people distractions. When we spend time alone, we can think and be just for ourselves, it's a self-love practice.

When we have time to be alone, we can hear from and even have a discussion with that still, quiet inner voice. A give and take, listening and talking, asking questions, it’s an inside thing. You get to be all about you and not others. 

I have to do this periodically to tune in, slow down, and let go of anything that’s not necessary, as I have a tendency to overdo things. Scheduling alone time alleviates overwhelm and stress. You gain awareness that allows you to let go of less important things, and get focused on your next steps and what brings you joy.

REST is an integral part of this practice

As you rest, you can let go. You have nothing to prove, nothing you have to do. You choose what you want to do because you are caring for yourself. 

It is good to ponder whether your needs are being met in your life. What are your desires, your dreams, and your visions for your life right now and for your future?

This time alone might seem selfish to some but it’s not. It’s imperative in this day and age of busyness, striving, worry, comparisons, competition, and financial fears. Let go of guilt because when you are at peace with yourself, others around you usually benefit. You cannot love others if you do not love yourself. Burnout and stress are the result.

TIME is also a part of this practice

While an hour here or there is always good, I also encourage unplugging every week for at least a day. I also suggest taking some days, either 2, 3, or 4 days when possible.

Spending time in the beauty of nature is a powerful way to let go and connect. Think about going on a nature trek, or renting a cottage on a lake, or the beach, completely unplugging from all computers and phones.

This might seem scary to some as they need distractions and being alone with nothing to do doesn’t feel safe. I encourage you to look at why that is. Start in smaller increments and work on how to have a relationship with your higher power, (that small, still voice inside). Try to make some movement towards this connection, this relationship. Try to let go of your fearful thoughts and be open to a higher perspective, a larger perspective. The more relaxed, safe, and confident you become in letting go of the busyness and being with yourself, the payoff is that you will feel more confident in every aspect of your life. If it is hard for you to let go, I suggest you try EFT-Tapping to move the resistance, fear, anger, numbness, anxiety, or any emotion that might be keeping you stuck, so that you can be more relaxed and present.

When you are rested and ready, a powerful exercise is to ask yourself some questions to meditate on. At times, it is helpful to look at our goals and where we are headed and we might need to make adjustments. Any answers you get, I encourage you to write them out in your journal. Writing them out by hand helps your brain remember and sparks your creativity. You can also do a voice recording if journaling isn't your thing.

How do I feel about……..........?

How does my body feel about……............?

What can I let go of to feel more fully alive, more at peace, more relaxed, more energetic, etc...............................?

What are the things that bring me joy, that I feel are in my zone, that's easy for me to do (this is where your gifts and talents lie)? ..............................

How can I bring more of that into my life? ..........................

In a perfect world, what would I like my next steps to be? ...............................

You might have your own questions. That’s great. Maybe you are so tired that you want to just REST. Sometimes we are so burned out we can't even think straight and we need to let go of the need to do anything. Allow your body to renew and refresh. Be aware though, of whether you are numbing out rather than letting go.

Your answers might be as simple as. “to experience joy”, or it might be, “change the way I run my business.” It’s not about pleasing others or doing what you think you should. This is a time of rest, discovery, and nurturing for you. 

During this Alone Time, try to switch off normal work activities and unplug from the computer. You might be envisioning where you want your business or life to be in 5, 10, or 20 years, that’s fine but switch off the day-to-day emails and to-dos and binge-watching streaming platforms, etc. Reading books is a better option.

If you would like to know more about how to let go and find more freedom, joy, and purpose, please reach out to me. I help people all the time to do this easily and gently. I invite you to have a complimentary 20-minute consult call with me by clicking this link: "Book a Call". I'm happy to chat with you about my work, answer any questions you might have, and see if I can help you.


Gail Mae

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