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Biofeedback Reveals a More Improved and "Awakened Mind" brain function while using EFT

Gary Groesbeck a Biofeedback specialist writes: We are seeing some very rapid and significant changes in the overall brain wave patterns that...

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How to Release Limiting Beliefs with Matrix Reimprinting using EFT

One of the ways I have been able to transform limiting beliefs into positive and affirming ones is through Matrix Reimprinting using EFT. Since...

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How to Change Beliefs and Let Go of Trauma Passed on Through the Generations with EFT

It seems simple to say, “If I could just change how I feel about myself then everything will fall into place and I will achieve my...

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Feel more Calm by Deep Breathing while Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve is an effective way to reduce stress, anxiety, anger, and inflammation. Deep slow diaphragmatic breathing stimulates...

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6 Inspiring Questions to Help You Spark Joy in your Life

There are many things I love to do in life, and one of those things is my work. Working with clients and helping them heal and reach their goals is...

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How to Enjoy the Miracles in Everyday Life

The snow started falling in the morning, and as it landed on my balcony, I happened to look out and see all these little stars on the concrete and...

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Overcome Procrastination the Easy Way with EFT-Tapping

Some of my clients asked me to give them a Tapping Script that may help them on a daily basis with their procrastination. I have written...

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The Meaning of Joy & 3 Ways to Feel More Joy

I experimented recently, where I took all the issues that my clients had over the years and wanted help with. The highest-rated issue was that they...

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Life Messages

A life message is an intrinsic part of who you are. It is obvious by how you live your life, what you do, and how you do it. Your life...

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A Brief Overview of How EFT Calms Anxiety

When we feel anxiety, we are experiencing or re-experiencing what we believe to be a fearful event. Now that event may be deeply buried in our...

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Gratitude and The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, you can...

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Live your Dreams Now before it's Too Late

In her book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware shares how she took care of patients in the last three to...

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