Grief Recovery
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to a significant emotional loss of any kind.
Are you grieving the loss of a loved one?
Are you in a major life transition and having trouble moving forward?
Do you feel a deep sense of loss but not sure why?
Have you always felt sad or brokenhearted?
There are over 40 different kinds of losses we can experience and find resolution from.
Here are just a few:
- Death
- Divorce
- Retirement
- Job or Career Loss
- Moving
- Pet Loss
- Financial change (increase or decrease in wealth)
- Loss of Home or Treasured Possessions
- Being Assaulted
- Experiencing a Disaster
- Loss of Health
- Legal Problems
- Empty Nest
- End of Addiction
- Starting School
- Not achieving an important Goal in your Life
Grief can cause:
- Reduced concentration
- A sense of numbness
- Disrupted sleeping patterns
- Changed eating habits
- Muscle weakness
- Being absent-minded
- Withdrawing from others
- Crying
- Avoiding reminders of your loss
- Being restlessly overactive
- Confused Thinking
- Disbelief, thinking the loss didn't happen
Some intangible examples of Grief:
- Loss of Trust
- Loss of Safety
- Loss of Control
- Loss of Faith
- Loss of Fertility
- Loss of Direction in Life
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to a significant emotional loss of any kind.
Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior.
Grief is the feeling of reaching out for someone who has always been there, only to find when you need them again, they are no longer there.

Gail Mae has changed my life
I have worked with Gail Mae twice before, and each time, I have felt dramatic changes. The first time was when my mother, whom I was beyond close to and living with, was not doing well. I was terrified of losing her and didn't think I could survive the loss. She not only helped me through this with such gentleness and kindness but also helped me thrive after her passing. I am forever grateful to her and the work she does with such care, generosity, and empathy.
How would you like
to feel?
Here are just a few ways healing can help give you the ability to:
- trust again
- feel safe again
- be in control again
- have faith again
- feel alive again
It is possible!
When I trained to become a Grief Recovery Specialist, we trainees had to go through the complete Grief Recovery process. I chose to work on the relationship with my mother which had always been very difficult. I always had a great sense of loss that I was not loved in the way I needed to thrive as a child. When my mother died my hopes of us healing our relationship died with her. Grief can be about wishing that a relationship ended differently whether it was a loving and supporting relationship or the opposite. During the Grief Recovery process, I was able to complete and come to terms with our relationship. In my work with clients I add EFT-Tapping, and through this combined process of healing, I have helped many people find peace and freedom from grief. I highly encourage you to reach out to me if you are still suffering.
If you believe you may be experiencing unresolved grief
Click the button below to contact Gail Mae for a complimentary 20-minute Consultation Call. I would be happy to chat with you.
Click here to book a consult